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Artists In This Album Description: Rafi Ki Yaden Vol 10 is a Hindi album released on 16 Mar,2012. Rafi Ki Yaden Vol 10 album music by & lyrics. Rafi Ki Yaden Vol 10 Album Have 15 Songs sung by Sonu Nigam. Rafi Ki Yaden Vol 10 top song is 03 Jane Walo Zara Mud Ke Dekho Mujhe - Dosti. Download Rafi Ki Yaden Vol 10 all songs in high quality mp3 Songs Download from here. Tags: Rafi Ki Yaden Vol 10 Sonu Nigam full album.
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It was in 2005 that the extensive use of pitch correctors had started. Like the use of steroids in sports, the use of pitch-correcting softwares such as Antares and Melodyne should be banned in music.
But they are extensively used to correct voice that are not so much in-tune. They were used before 2005 as well, but not so extensively. A lot of non-singers turned into singers around 2005 — this included a lot of composers too.
We do have some composers who are amazing singers such as Shankar Mahadevan, Vishal Dadlani and Shekhar Ravjiani, among others. But a lot of the others are not that great.
We had practised and worked hard to follow in the footsteps of icons such as Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle and Mohammad Rafi. But we aspired to become like them through fairer means. I’m not against technology. It was 2005 onwards that many younger singers were scared and anxious, because they realised that there’s something out there that will demoralise the singers from working hard. That was the time when people who wouldn’t have ever imagined going behind the mic became singers. Read: Going live Music composers were inspired to sing their own songs. They understood that there was no better source of income for them than doing recordings.
Earlier, there were only a few composers such as Mahadevan who did concerts. Music directors realised that the event management business was flourishing and performing live was a good idea. Before 2005, many actors and actresses would travel for dance shows.
Soon, all the singers started travelling too. Live concerts became a huge deal, and a lot of the credit for that goes to me. Mpalifier mp3 song downloads. I was doing concerts left, right and centre. Sonu Nigam feels Shankar Mahadevan is not only an amazing composer, but also a phenomenal singer. Rise of radio An important change that took place around a decade ago was that radio became really big.