Neon Genesis Evangelion Psx English Patch

There were various releases of Evangelion games on the PSP that I knew about. Neon Genesis Evangelion 2 -Another Cases-, Secret of Evangelion and Evangelion: Jo being the ones I was aware of at the time. What I wasn’t aware of was that they even ported the Sega Saturn/PC visual novels to the PSP or at least one of them. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel 2nd (originally released in 1998) was the sequel to the Girlfriend of Steel visual novel released back in 1996. Just like its predecessor, Girlfriend of Steel 2nd is not considered “canon” and takes place in an alternate timeline that differs from the anime’s story. Thanks to a team of three developers: mugi, Binaryfail and jjjewel, the game has now been 100% translated into English and can be enjoyed by all of us who have access to some sort of PSP CFW. The developers add that even though this is a 1.0 release, there may be typos or mistakes in routes they did not have the time to test, so they encourage anyone who finds any errors to report them.
What is Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel 2nd? Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel 2nd is a visual-novel style game that explores an alternate universe within the Evangelion franchise. Download lagu kisah sang rosul. The story takes place after the end of the TV series, in a universe where the story of the following movies never actually took place. The game was originally released on the Sega Saturn and PC but eventually found its way to the PS2 and the PSP. Unfortunately the game was never translated for Western audiences.
Now thanks to the team over at the game is playable for the West, exclusively on the PSP (and PS Vita). Changelog for v1.0 For those interested of what was done, the game underwent following changes: – All in-game text translated from japanese to english – Script auto-linebreak disabled (handled manually from within scripts) – All relevant graphics translated from japanese to english. (texts written into the background graphics such as roadsigns are untouched.) – sceImposeSetLanguageMode(), sceUtilityMsgDialogInitStart() and sceUtilitySavedataInitStart() patched to english language and japanese button mapping (O = ok) – Blacklabel logotype added to initial loading. – in-game UI streamlined to be less intrusive and eating less screenspace compared to the original. – snd0.at3 added to the XMB screen. If you have an interest of porting this translation to another language, the tools for editing the game are available on our Instructions for this English patch • Get your copy of girlfriend of steel 2nd portable iso (CRC32: D4AA9284) • Name the iso to ULJM-05477.iso • Put ULJM-05477.iso into the same folder with patchme.bat, xdelta.exe and blt-gfos_II_eng.xdelta • Run patchme.bat • Run check_result.sfv to verify that the patching was succesful.'s game information and ROM (ISO) download page for Neon Genesis Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend (Japan) (Disc 1) (Sony Playstation). Shinseiki Evangelion: Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2 is a visual novel for the PC. Translation Description: An English translation of the 2003 PC dating sim, based on Neon Genesis Evangelion.