Principle Of Electrical Engineering Et 115 In Urdu Pdf

: These machines run only at synchronous speed. Induction machines covered in the previous section come under asynchronous machines. They are run at speeds other than synchronous speed. If they are run at synchronous speeds, the slip will become zero and hence they come to halt, the slip will become zero and hence they come to halt. That is why they run nearer to synchronous speed but never reach synch ronous speed.
ELECTRICAL THEORY AND APPLICATION volts.pdf 3/15/04 Rev:1.2 Page 2 2004 L&L Kiln Mfg, Inc. P.O.B 1898, Boothwyn, PA 19061 P:610.485.1789 F:610.485.4665 ELECTRICAL BASICS ELECTRICAL SAFETY Electricity is a wonderful utility, but can be dangerous if not approached carefully. There are three basic. Common electrical units used in formulas and equations are: Volt - unit of electrical potential or motive force - potential is required to send one ampere of current through one ohm of resistance; Ohm - unit of resistance - one ohm is the resistance offered to the passage of one ampere when impelled by one volt; Ampere - units of current - one ampere is the current which one volt can send.
Download video trinity blood sub indo. In this section we are going to deal with synchronous machines. These machines run only at synchronous speeds.
They either run at synchronous speeds, or in case the load on these machines becomes. Euro truck simulator 2 mods pack. Synchronous generators are also called as alternators.
In the (present day world) contemporary world what ever the machines we are employing in are domestic and industrial sectors are mostly A.C. These machines demand only A.C. Power we generate in the power plants is only of A.C. Remaining whatever small percentage of DC machines are th ere, we can employ rec tifiers th at c onver t A.C. And then supply the D.C. Since the fraction of DC machines when compared to A.C.
Machines is very small, this would be a better option. Principle of operation of synchronous generators (Alternators) is same as that of DC. In Case of any machine the E.M.F. Generated is only A.C. In a DC generator also, the E.M.F. Induced across the armature terminals is A.C. But we employed a commutator and a brush mechanism so that the output collected from the brushes is D.C.
Now, if we remove the commutator a brush mechanism and collect the output directly across the armature terminals employing slip rings, the output we get is A.C. It will also become difficult to collect such a high amount of voltage while the rotor is rotating. Rather it is easier to supply a d.c. Voltage which is of comparatively low value while the rotor is rot ating. Collecting E.M.
Will also b ecome si mpl e i f the armature windings are stationary. Due to the above reasons we employ a rotating field and stationary armature type constr uction. Secondary constraint in this type of rotor to be employed for different turbine speeds and the turbine speeds vary from type of pow er plants.
For s uppose, the tu rbine speed o f a hydel power pla nt when compared to that of a steam, or diesel power plant is low. But, in both the cases the amount of power demanded from power plants is the same. So we must vary the type of rotors employed, such that the rate of change of flux density is as per the requirement. Depending upon this we classify the rotors in two types.