Software How Do I Hack A Deviantart Account Hacked

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I wasn't really sure where to put this, so I'm really sorry if I put it in the wrong place. I'm really proud of where I've got to on DA, and the more favourites, watchers and pageviews I get, the more I worry that I'm going to be hacked and lose it all.
It originated in the late 1700s and was brought back to popularity when it was performed by Ives. Cinderella lavender%27s blue m4a. ' Lavender Blue (Dilly, Dilly)' is a song from the Disney film. It was sung by, and helped make it and him very popular.
If I get hacked and they delete my account, along with all my artwork, stats, and reputation, is there a way I could notify DeviantArt and they could recover it somehow? I'm sure this has happened many times before. So, does anyone know for sure that your account can/can't be recovered after deletion by someone else?
If you delete things from your gallery, as far as I know the only way to recover them is by re-uploading them. Also, I think you can reactivate a deleted account.though I don't know how. My suggestion would be to take measures to prevent hacking rather than worry about what'll happen if someone does hack you. Here are a few suggestions; Use a really complicated password with a mixture of upper case, lower case, numbers and symbols Don't use the same password on multiple websites Change your password once every three months or so Don't tell anyone your password, even close friends Don't follow suspicious links Keep your computer's security software up to date You could also download a password safe for all passwords.
If it's been less than 30 days I believe, and someone deactivated your account, you can easily reactivate it. If they delete all the stuff off of it first, well. They say that once your account's gone, it's gone, but there have been instances of people getting their accounts deleted and the admins restoring them, pictures included, because DA caches your artwork as far as I know. Unfortunately they were the insanely popular artists so I don't know if you're a big enough moneymaker for them to be worth it to you.

Nope, no way to recover anything. You'll have to start from scratch. But there are a few ways to avoid being hacked in the first place: change your password once a month. Don't click on any suspicious links from people you don't know, and don't click on links from people you do know unless there's a description of the link they are sending you.
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Don't reply to trolls' comments. Just remove them, report them, and block the person. Don't give your information to ANYONE that you don't know in person. That's about it ^^.