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More by: 1 ASC Free English to English & Urdu Dictionary is useful dictionary software with almost all the current words. ASC Free English to English & Urdu Dictionary is useful dictionary software with almost all the current words. More than 37,000 English words. Size: 12.0 MB, Price: Free, License: Freeware, Author: Accounting Software Company (accountingsoftware.pk) 2 English & Armenian Dictionary with over 70,000 words with full English and Armenian translation. It contains of two dictionaries, English-Armenian and Armenian- English. It contains of small keyboard helps you to type Armenian words. English & Armenian.
The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary is a distillation of the twenty-volume Oxford English Dictionary into just two volumes: an incredible one third of the coverage of the OED in one tenth of the size. Java Mobile English To Urdu Dictionary Free in description. ASC Free English to English & Urdu Dictionary. Fallon's English Urdu Dictionary is a authentic source for Urdu language. Original shareware library on the Internet, browse and download thousands of shareware, free to try and free programs for windows, macintosh, linux, mobile.
Size: 4.3 MB, Price: USD $24.95, License: Shareware, Author: Armenian Dictionary Software (armenian-dictionary.com) 3 A good dictionary is an essential tool for anyone learning a foreign language. A good dictionary is an essential tool for anyone learning a foreign language. Our bi-directional English Urdu Dictionary features an extensive database in both languages. Size: 5.8 MB, Price: USD $10.00, License: Demo, Author: Accounting Software Company (accountingsoftware.pk) 4 Cleantouch English- Urdu Dictionary is the oldest and the most reputed name in providing English & Urdu dictionaries. Cleantouch English- Urdu Dictionary is the oldest and the most reputed name in providing English & Urdu dictionaries.
After success. Size: 59.8 MB, Price: USD $15.00, License: Shareware, Author: Cleantouch Software Corporation (cleantouch.com.pk) 5 ASC English to English & Urdu Dictionary is useful dictionary software with almost all the current words. ASC English to English & Urdu Dictionary is useful dictionary software with almost all the current words. More than 37,000 English words.
Size: 12.0 MB, Price: Free, License: Freeware, Author: Accounting Software Company (accountingsoftware.pk) 6 Wordinn English to Urdu dictionary / Urdu to English dictionary allows you to understand more than 40,000 English words with Urdu translation. Wordinn English to Urdu dictionary / Urdu to English dictionary allows you to understand more than 40,000 English. Size: 12.0 MB, Price: Free, License: Freeware, Author: Wordinn (urdu.wordinn.com) 7 Fallon's English Urdu Dictionary is a authentic source for Urdu language. This Dictionary features more then 75000 words with Urdu meanings.This app also provides Urdu search facility. Urdu can be typed by using on-screen Urdu keyboard. Size: 28.2 MB, Price: Free, License: Freeware, Author: PakData (pakdata.com) 8 Collins Cobuild Pocket English-English- Urdu Dictionary covers all the essential words and phrases that students of English need to learn. The ideal dictionary for learner's of English, the definitions are written in full sentences, using simple. Resize jpeg images free download.
Size: 17.5 MB, Price: USD $8.99, License: Shareware, Author: RealSimpleEdu.Com (wagmob.com) 9 AXMEDIS Java Mobile Player AXMEDIS for cross-media content. AXMEDIS Java Mobile Player AXMEDIS for cross-media content. Font ttf hindi s60v3.
The package includes some content. Among the functionalities offered by AXMEDIS Mobile Player: Progressive Download from HTTP, AXMEDIS.
Size: 1.1 MB, Price: Free, License: Freeware, Author: AXMEDIS (axmedis.org),,,,,,,, 10 Ideal for students and businesses, this English-Spanish dictionary lets you translate words and phrases and conjugate verbs in an instant. Ideal for students and businesses, this English-Spanish dictionary lets you translate words and phrases and conjugate. Size: 11.4 MB, Price: USD $49.95, License: Free to try, Author: IdiomaX LLC (idiomax.com),,,, 11 QamIDEN is an opensource English Indonesian dictionary that can run natively in GNU/Linux, Windows™, and Mac OSX environment *i hope *. QamIDEN is an opensource English Indonesian dictionary that can run natively in GNU/Linux, Windows™.