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Non-member $150.00 SALE $75 Member/Student* $75.00 SALE $37.50 * Qualified students are those who are full-time students enrolled in a wood design course at a university or college. The 2012 NDS, 2012 NDS Supplement: Design Values for Wood Construction, 2008 Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS), and ASD/LRFD Manual set is available for purchase. Please note that additional changes to design values for southern pine dimension lumber were made in 2013. Download games ps1 one piece games. An addendum to the 2012 NDS Supplement is available. NDS for Wood Construction, 2012 Edition.
This course will provide a brief overview of code and standards development to give context to current building code allowances and design procedures as well as future code pursuits. Topics will include recent International Code Council (ICC) and American Wood Council efforts related to code advancement, and the latest changes to the 2012 International Building Code (IBC), 2012 National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction and 2008 Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS). Learning Objectives: • Identify building code issues which are leading to code changes.
• Identify recent changes to wood design standards that affect the design of wood structures. • Identify recent changes to the building code.
• Understand reasons for the changes to the IBC and the wood design standards. Equivalencies: 1.0 Hours of Instruction = 0.1 Continuing Education Units (CEU) = 1 Professional Development Hours (PDH) = 1 Learning Units (LU) •. This continuing education course provides an overview of seismic-resistive design issues in wood-frame buildings with a focus on compliance with the 2012 International Building Code(IBC) and American Society of Civil Engineers/Structural Engineering Institute Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-10). The information on code-conforming wood design contained in this course is based on the American Wood Council’s (AWC’s) 2012 National Design Specification® (NDS®) for Wood Construction, and 2008 Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS). The NDS and SDPWS are adopted by reference in the 2012 IBC.
Learning Objectives: • Discuss seismic-resistive design requirements for wood-frame buildings with a focus on compliance with the 2012 IBC and ASCE 7-10. • Explain the analysis procedure commonly used for determining seismic design loads of wood-frame buildings in the U.S. • Describe the two most common wood-frame seismic force-resisting systems. • Describe the role of structural configuration and redundancy in seismic design. Equivalencies: 1.0 Hours of Instruction = 0.1 Continuing Education Units (CEU) = 1 Professional Development Hours (PDH) = 1 Learning Units (LU) •. This presentation will focus on the engineered design of large wood panelized roof diaphragms in tilt-up concrete and masonry wall buildings, with focus on design requirements for strength, stiffness, and proper development and resistance of wall anchorage forces.
A historical perspective of how past seismic experience with this building type has influenced today's building code provides a good perspective for the participant to apply the current provisions of ASCE 7-10, 2012 NDS and 2008 SDPWS. Various design illustrations and examples of high load wood structural panel diaphragms, wall anchorage, subdiaphragms, continuity cross ties, chords and collectors will be shown. This webinar is intended for practicing engineers and undergraduate and graduate engineering students. Learning Objectives: • Identify the characteristics of a panelized wood roof diaphragm. • Apply requirements for wall anchorage forces including proper detailing for distribution of these forces into the diaphragm. • Utilize subdiaphragms as a tool to create an efficient load path for wall anchorage forces. • Design wood diaphragms and their chords and collectors for seismic forces.
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